
South Carolina Personal Injury Law Blog


Jury holds Chrysler liable for older car’s fatal design flaw

Just about everyone knows that before a vehicle is released on the market, manufacturers have to prove that the vehicle is safe and that it meets all government safety standards as well. But as we all know, safety standards are constantly being changed and updated. What was once considered safe…


Do you have lower back pain? It may be a work-related injury

In South Carolina, workers have the right to compensation if they are injured on the job. The benefits they apply for can be used to cover medical expenses such as tests and visits to the doctor, medication costs, lost wages and even compensation for mileage if a person is forced…


Has the government made working conditions for truckers unsafe?

Trucking is a huge part of the United States economy. According to statistics from the American Trucking Associations, in 2013, trucks accounted for 81 percent of the $682 billion in freight revenue. In order to generate this level of revenue though, trucking companies have to keep tight schedules, oftentimes requiring…


Being in a vehicle makes a big difference in an accident

Whether you live here in South Carolina or another state, everyone knows the devastation that accompanies a motor vehicle accident. Although there is the physical damage to the vehicle or vehicles involved, the injuries suffered by passengers can be just as devastating. In more severe accidents, a person may even…


Are personal breath tests the answer to drunk-driving problem?

No matter what state you live in, whether it’s here in South Carolina or somewhere else, drunk driving is a huge problem. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, roughly 12,000 people die every year in alcohol-related crashes. But what makes this statistic perhaps most impactful is the fact…


What technology hazards could put patients in danger in 2015?

Despite our highest hopes and the best efforts of hospitals across the nation, medical mistakes continue to occur. Although one of the reasons is because of negligence — both at the hospital level and the staff level — the other reason is that technology and procedural guidelines are simply not…


Why getting compensation for your child is key after a crash

If you’re like most parents here in Spartanburg, then your children are probably incredibly important to you. If you could, you would do anything for them, including taking their place in the event of an injury-causing accident. Unfortunately, real life does not allow us to trade places with people, which…

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